Friday, July 17, 2009

Squiddin' it Up!!!

This video is two minutes of Arkansas fun. Made it from Chuck's footage.

On a related note, I was thinking it might be interesting to name our Roadeos. Here are some options I was considering.
1. We could go with something simple like Roadeo One, Roadeo Two, and so forth and so on.
2. We could name them like hurricanes. Start with the alphabet and work our way down. So our first one might be Roadeo Anna, the next Roadeo Betty, and so on and so forth. All hot, sexy, womanly names, of course.
3. Any other suggestions? Let's discuss it BLOG STYLE! Hit "comments" below.


  1. As I have said before, you have a talent for this kind of stuff my friend. I DO KNOW how difficult and time consuming putting together even a small video like this is and I really appreciate your effort! It is fun and set to great music as always and will be nice to look back on 30 years down the road when I'm pissing in my nursing home bed.

  2. Although I do like the idea of "officially" naming the "Roadeos", as a person who has struggled over the years with file naming conventions due to my excessive library of digital files, I tend to favor names associated with dates. Something like "09 0724 Roadeo Mountain View, AR". As I type this, I see how boring and lame it is so I took Doug's idea of using "sexy" female names and came across this link:

    I thought we could do what Doug suggested using the random name generator to take the pressure off of us when naming by using the first name in the list with the letter we need! Sounds fun to me. By the way, Aughnali was the first "A" letter name I generated. Given that, our first official Roadeo name would be, "09 0724 Roadeo Aughnali, Mountain View AR" or "Roadeo Aughnali" for short. As I know no one but Doug will respond, we'll work the details out!

    P.S. Spell check's auto-substitution for Aughnali was "anal". I think this is going to work!

  3. I found another Random Name Generator that's allows a lot more customization and less default Dungeons-And-Dragons-ish.
    You can choose mythical names or country of origin, etc.

    Another thought I had was that we could name each roadeo based on some event that occurred or some thing we encountered. For example, we would probably all recall the Witt Springs Roadeo. That time we 'bout ran out of gas and the kid on the 4-wheeler opened up the pumps. The Kaw Pasture Roadeo. The HWY9 Roadeo, which was last summer when we all simultaneously discovered HWY9.

  4. Honestly the gay-ish D&D names part of the appeal since the entire endeavor is sort of gay-ish. I really want to know what JoeB thinks about it!!??
