I talk about Steve a lot, so I figured I would profile him here as an honorary member of the Hoolie Crew. As such, he will be afforded full member status with benefits. If he visits your town of residence, you will provide him food, lodging, a daily stipend and whatever else he requests. This is the code we live by.
I met Steve a few years ago when I decided I would one day work for his company. Long story short…..that ended disastrously, but we became good friends and remain so to this day. Up until a couple of weeks ago, he lived within walking distance of my house. I had even worked my way up to the “drop in” (the unannounced visit). We have a standing Saturday play date, which most often consists of first-person-shooter campaigns on the Xbox 360.
Things of note:
1. “Corobra”, the moniker? That was Steve’s doing. He came up with the name.
2. We’ve been to junk yards, flea markets, and dirt track races together.
3. Holds his own at Scrabble.
4. Recently finished a 500 page tome on the life of JP Morgan.
5. Named his cat “Outback Steak House”. Outback for short.
6. He has prepared some of the BEST meals that I have ever eaten. A dang good cook.
7. Funny as hell. Too many one liners to mention.
8. We eat a hell of a lot of pancakes together. Mostly at IHOP.
9. Taught me how to make gravy for biscuits and chai tea from scratch.
An Almost Haiku:
Pistols and pancakes,
Hash browns and hand grenades,
Waffles and rifles,
Eggs and boast.
For the record, the Rover is not Steve's, but we both dug it. Steve drives a Hyundai.