I'm blogging from my "mobile office" (the shuttle van), so I won't go on too long. Yesterday was quite productive for me. I was packing up a bunch of my stuff, schlepping tubs and boxes up from the basement, and I decided I was going to try and git rid of some stuff.
-Electronic dartboard. Posted free on CL. Had five takers in as many minutes. Manny came over and picked it up within half an hour. I put a smile on a stranger's face.
-30 to 40 articles of clothing. Shirts and blazers I never wear anymore. Posted as free. Takers within minutes. Gone within 2 hours. No questions asked. As anonymous as a gloryhole. Is "gloryhole" one word or two?
-New Columbia Messenger Bag. $15. Gone before the Bristol race was over.
-Books. Over a hundred and thirty of them; that's a lot of WEIGHT when moving. Set aside 20 or so for a friend. Sold the rest to a kid who looked to be in his mid twenties for the sum of $25. I was as glad to get rid of them as he was to take possession of them. He was eager to get his hands on the Nietzsche and Camus. After he got there, I threw in a couple of Kurt Vonnegut books just because the kid seemed so nice and said he liked Vonnegut.
Feels great making my pile of shit that much smaller.
Quite a collection of classics there young fella! I'd say I'm impressed but you already know that.