Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The World's A Different Place

Check this kid out! I believe he is only 13 and ran across him today in a tech podcast I listen to. He is absolutely on top of his game and knows his stuff! In the video below, he is interviewing a top Apple Exec but you might browse through his other material as it is all interesting. I can only imagine how cool it would be to talk to him in 30 years as he is in for a hell of a ride!

Unfortunatley, I noticed the blog is cutting off the video and I can't seem to fix the problem. You can check the youngster out at http://www.livingdigitally.tv/!

1 comment:

  1. I watched it and realized it was sliced in half, but still got the point. Didn't need to see the Apple guy's face. Nothing like a 13yo to make me feel like i have no ambition in life.
