I wish I could say 'It's great to be back!' and mean it but the family and I just returned from the trip of a lifetime. I won't bore you with too many details but I truly wish everyone could experience what Alaska has to offer. I am still stunned by the beauty and grandeur. A word about the Hoonah Ziprider-5,300 feet long, drops almost 2000 ft, 60 mph and 90 seconds of screaming sphincter clenching heart pounding terror as you plummet into the mist and emerge with a beautiful ocean view. Once back on terra firma, some tourists told me they could hear me screaming 'This is Fu**ING AWESOME!!!' as I flew overhead. I'm treating this as pure speculation of course. First see Capt Colton returning from a dangerous mission over the Arctic:
Those are some great pictures, especially that last one of Colton. Looks like an awesome time. Thanks for posting those up.