Okay Texas boys, here's a suggestion for Wednesday. I was thinking instead of heading straight for Eureka Springs on Wednesday, we could maybe take a little diversion north and catch HWY9 and maybe even hit 341 again. (I could ride 341 - Push Mountain Road - every day and never get tired of it.) Point "D" to point "E" is 341 on the map above. That's Norfork / Mt.Home to Big Flat. Anywho, if we did this, it would be about 88 miles and then we'd be basically right back where we started. And then we could take whatever route to Eureka. Maybe head toward HWY16...possibly hit 123 in the middle of the week and avoid Po-Po Patrol.
As for total mileage, taking this little 88-mile diversion wouldn't put us over our average daily mileage. I'd guess it would wind up being a 300 miler, maybe a little more.
Just running it up the flag pole to see if anyone salutes.
Sounds like a plan. I have fond memories of HWY 9. I'm ready to hit some corners.