As luck would have it, I was made aware last night that Extreme Home Makeover was possibly going to be in my neighborhood this morning. Although there were no stirrings in the neighborhood as I made my way to work, I was notified mid-morning that the rumor was true and a family around the corner had been chosen for a home makeover. Story below and pics following.
The StoryMap with location relative to the HicklHaus. Guard dogs indicate checkpoints for access to street the house is on...

A shot from the front of my garage showing the miserable conditions they are working in...
From the news report, it sounds like they're talking about the kid having Prader Willi Syndrome. We had a kid referred to our program with this affliction. No laughing matter. One of the oddest things I've ever heard of. People with this often run away in search of food when they can't gain access to any of the food in the home. They'll dig through dumpsters and all sorts of stuff to try and find food. Then they run the risk of harming themselves physically by grossly over eating. However, like everything else, it runs on a spectrum....some cases not as serious as others.