Here are a couple of quick pics of my latest camera amount on the ZRX. Tried a helmet cam and it worked really well from an anti-vibration standpoint but the constant head movement was nauseating. One can never say I don't look both ways... at least 4 times before crossing traffic! In any case, this was a quick mock-up using 16g tin, final version would be in aluminum plating on the order of 3/32" or 1/8". Let me know what you think, maybe some drawbacks I haven't thought of. Also, the helmet cam video I reference above is still on my FTP if you care to watch. Use a puke-bag and don't say I didn't warn you!
Front 3/4 shot. Using mounting points on the radiator.

Rear 3/4 shot...

Detail shot of mount...

View from cockpit. Quick glance will now show if camera is in record mode so there are no more "I'm sorry, I thought it was on" moments...

Front view. Mounting points are confirmed vertical but camera plate is missing lower velcro mount making camera appear off-axis. I have confidence final install will be vertical...

Front view detail showing missing velcro...

Detail from above. I'll make final version slightly longer to capture more of the mounting plate...
I watched the video and I know which intersection you're talking about, the one right as you were leaving work. I counted EIGHT back and forth checks, 4 each way. I thought about emailing the data to you, but it's interesting you counted the same thing. Also points out how distracting the head movements were.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the tin could potentially absorb some vibration, so it may not be necessary to upgrade the mount to something MORE rigid. But then I honestly don't know much when it comes to metal.